
  • Rev. Bruce Jones

    Lead Pastoremail

    | Leadership | Teaching | Vision | Discipleship | Pastoral Care |

    Pastor Bruce and his wife, Ruth, moved to Kincardine to begin ministry here at Chalmers in January of 2021. He served in a Lead Pastor role for 23 years in 2 different churches before being led here by God and was a Youth Pastor for 8 years previous to that. Bruce and Ruth also have experience in the Christian Camping ministry, serving as Camp Directors for three years after graduating from Ontario Bible College (now Tyndale University) in Toronto. Bruce grew up in Stratford, Ontario but has many ties to Bruce County. His mother grew up on a farm here and, in fact, named her firstborn after the county in which she was raised! Bruce and Ruth feel as if the Lord brought them “full-circle” when He led them here! They have two adult children; Bethany, who is a teacher in Toronto, and Caleb, married to Sarah, who live and work in New Brunswick.

  • Bonnie Mair

    Associate Pastor to Seniors email

    | Visiting and Pastoral Care | Senior Empowerment |

    Bonnie comes to Chalmers with years as a nurse in nursing homes and retirement centres. Since recieving her call to ordained ministry, Bonnie has been active in chaplaincy within nursing homes and hospitals throughout the Huron-Bruce area. She is passionate about caring for and empowering seniors to love and serve Jesus.

  • Laura Passchier

    Director of Children's Ministries email

    Laura is a mom to four crazy kids who are 9, 8 and 3-year-old twins and a wife for 16 years to her best friend.  Her family lives on a 100-acre farm just outside of Underwood and enjoys their country life.  Her husband works in agriculture and she did as well until June of 2018 when they sold their dairy goat herd, which opened some free time for her! She answered a call to step into ministry leading the youth and children's ministry for Chalmers Community Church.  She is a social person who loves being in fellowship with her brothers and sisters in Christ of any age!  Her desire is to grow in her faith, allow Christ to rule her life and to be able to encourage others to do the same. 

  • Katie Craig

    Administrative Assistant   email

    Katie is a wife and mother to three children, Violet, Atlas and Henry. In the midst of new motherhood, she loves the opportunity to help and support the Chalmers leadership team and is so thankful for all the ways God continues to bless her and her family. 

Board of Elders

    • Ron Eisen - Chair
    • Leanne Gowing
    • David Alexander
    • Diane Clifford
    • Tom Evans